Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 26 April 2021 Written Update: Virat blames the chavans
GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 26 April 2021 Written Update begins with pakhi. Virat said to pakhi didn’t listen one from your mouth about sayi and also virat asking to pakhi how did you know what sayi did and what she not done. Also asking to pakhi are you expert in human behavior or you can studied phD. Pakhi says i don’t think to know about how sayi is not studied phD and also says you clearly don’t know about sayi. Also pakhi asking to virat you know you done mistake but why she can’t accept your sorry. Virat says pakhi you said about sayi is brilliant. Ashwini asking to virat please think about how sayi comes to this chavan house.
Virat said to ashwini sayi must come to nagpur because of studies and i will try my level best to asking sorry to her but i will wait for her. Ninad said to virat why you wait for sayi if she comes to this home or not it’s her decision. Then bhawani said to virat you trust sayi is correct and we are all cheaters and you try to blame us. At that time sonali, karishma shocked about bhawani words. Ashwini starts crying and said to virat who stay at chavan house they are not supports sayi. Mohit said to virat as soon as possible return to home, Karishma asking to Virat what are you doing if sayi not return to home.
Ashwini angry on karishma, karishma said iam think about virat. Bhawani says yes karishma you think about virat and we also think about virat but he can’t understand. Virat said to bhawani i can understand what you think about me and given money to karishma and asking to her brings sweets and given all the family members. Ninad said to virat please stop this. Bhawani said to virat you behave like mad because of sayi. Virat said to bhawani iam done mistake because of you so you are responsible for this incident. All chavan family members shocked.
Ashwini says sayi must return to this home because i am asking her to come this home. Other end barkha advises sai to forgive virat and his mistakes. Also barkha asking to sayi please give him a second chance.