Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 22 April 2021 Written Update: Virat Departs For Gadchiroh

GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 22 April 2021 Written Update Begins with virat said to family members omkar try to cheat police and college administration but because of one condition i will can not do anything to omkar i.e all the family members nothing harm to devi and pulkit. All the family members approve virat decision. Also virat said to bhawani please trust me devi not return to chawan house to leave pulkit. Ahswini said to virat sayi helps to devi to meet pulkit but what we do to sayi. Then virat said to ashwini may be sayi went to gadchiroli. Mohit and ashwini asking to virat did you went to gadchiroli.

Virat says yes i will went to gadchiroli to asking sorry to sayi. Usha asking to sayi when we return to here virat can not phone and message to you. Sayi said to usha i am not think about virat and i will withdrawn amount from dad bank account, tomorrow return to nagpur to continue my studies. Pakhi asking to virat why you went to gadchiroli. Virat said to pakhi i will went to gadchiroli and says sorry to her because i will done mistake to her that’s why i am try to sorry to her. Bhawani asking to virat you asking to sayi return to this home when she try to cheat us.

Virat says we also try to blame sayi and iam angry on her now the time for realize ourselves. Sonali asking to virat if you went to gadchiroli what people think about you. Virat says i don’t think about people. At night virat think about sayi, Sayi looking to moon and think about virat. At omkar room sonali angry on omkar because what he done for sayi. Also, sonali says i am feel bad, omkar says you are all now half truth, sonali asking to her husband please tell me the truth but omkar nothing informed to his wife. Day changed virat drive to gadchiroli and reached the gadchiroli and meets pari. Pari says sayi didi feels sad and come with me she stay at our home. After that virat comes to where sayi is their

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