AKA Brands IPO: Check IPO Date, Exchange, Curr.File Price/ Range ($) Information

AKA Brands IPO Date is 22nd September 2021, Issuer is A.K.A Brands Holding Corp, Industry is Consumer Services. Also Bookrunner(S) is BAML, CS, JEFFER, WFC, KEYBANC, COWEN, PIPERSAND & TFC. Exchange is New York Stock Exchange. To know more details about AKA Brands IPO Curr.AMT FILED ($MM), Curr.SHRS FILED ($MM) and Curr.File Prince/ Range ($) check below.

Looking for A.K.A Brands Next Generation Fashion Brans CURR.AMT FILED ($MM) is $138,000,000 and Also CURR.SHRS FILED ($MM) is $10,000,000 and CURR.FILE Price/Range ($) is $11.00-13.00 Here provided small details regarding AKA IPO only information purpose. To know complete and accurate details visit The New York Stock Exchange official web portal.

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