JNTU Anantapur started GATE Online Classes from May 11th. Check info

JNTU Anantapur started GATE Online Classes. Graduate Aptitude Test Engineering national level engineering entrance examination online classes started from May 11th. From Andhra Pradesh who register for GATE 2020 as per the schedule Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur conducting online classes for registered students.

So looking to register for GATE Online Classes applicants visit Government of Andhra Pradesh Registration for Online Classes of GATE website.

Students to register for classes enter valid roll number & valid email address (OTP will sent) details at jntua.ac.in/gate-online-classes/registration.

Commencement of registration is 2nd May 2020. Also, last date for registration is 7th May 2020, Class work starts from 11th may 2020.

JNTU Anantapur started GATE Online Classes

Ministry of Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh in collaboration with Andhra Pradesh state council for higher education, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Anantapur, JNTU Kakinada, YMU YSR Cuddapah is organizing GATE Coaching Classes.

So students from Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering/ Information Technology may please use this opportunity.

Instructions to The Students 

No need to pay fee. Registration is free

Student studying in Andhra Pradesh are only eligible

Students of 3rd and 4th are only eligible

Any changes needed by the student done only on receiving request from the student through e-mail.

In the registration form student can select any number of subjects using radio button. Also, student can select the faculty for the choose course by using radio button

The schedule of classes will be sent to the concerned students by E-Mail

Suggestions/ complaints from the students may also sent to e-mail [email protected]

How To Register GATE Online Coaching Classes 

1st Step: visit jntua.ac.in

2nd Step: Select GATE Online Classes

3rd Step: Select registration link

4th Step: Enter student registration details

5th Step: Proceed to submit details

For more details visit https://www.jntua.ac.in/jntua-gate-online-classes/