Ghum Hai Kisi Key Pyaar Mein 31 March 2021 Written Update: The Chavans Family Celebrate Holi

GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Key Pyaar Mein 31 March 2021 Written Episode begins with bhawani, ninad and omkar welcomes villagers to celebrate Holi. Other end ashwini, sonali, pakhi arranged everything for holi, Mohit phone to karishma and asking to her comes to celebrate the holi but she said no and sonali asking to mohit whom you speak. Mohit says to his mother i will speak with karishma and her health is not well.

Att hat time sunny comes to chawan house to celebrate the holi. Mohit, Sunny performing dance for DJ Song. Ashwini comes to them and dance with them. After that sunny asking to mohit where is drink. At that time virat and sayi comes to party area, mohit and sunny seen them and went to them and performing dance with them. After that bhawani, ninadm, omkar join with them and performing dance. Patralekha stands silently and seen their dance.

After that virat taken blessings from bhawani, ninad, omkar and sonali. After that ashwini holds colors and try to spread on virat face. Later sayi taken blessings from bhawani, sonali, ninad, omkar and hugs ashwini says happy holi. At that time virat went to pakhi and says happy holi, Pakhi feels sad. Later sunny comes to virat and given colors to him to thrown on sayi. Virat holds the color and thrown colors on sayi face. Sayi also done same to virat and says happy holi.

Both ninad, omkar observe what sayi and virat did and pakhi feels sad to seen virat and sayi. Bhawani said to sonali both virat and sayi played holi like children’s. Mohit comes to sayi and virat and says you first holi after your marriage so we must take selfie. Bhawani said to sonali first holi for pakhi also, Ashwni brings halwa, sayi taken the halwa plateand given to sonali, bhawani and ninad, omkar. After that sayi given sweet to ninad, ninad says i have diabetes so don’t sweet. But sayi given sweets to ninad.

After that sonali seen virat side and said to bhawani i think virat loves sayi. Sunny said to virat go to sayi and express your love. Virat says you mad guy but sunny said to virat please think how to express your love to sayi. Virat asking to sunny go and play holi. After that sayi went to pakhi and said holi pakhi and put color on pakhi face. At that sayi gets message and sayi check the message. Virat comes to sayi and think himself may i speak with sayi or not.

After that ashwini comes to sayi and said to her everyone play holi but devi not here so you have to bring devi here. Sayi said to ashwini devi safe at home. Ashwini says yes. Once ashwini leaves virat comes to sayi and said to her i will speak with you.