Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein GHKKPM 12 March 2021 Written Update: Virat Disbelieves Sayi
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein GHKKPM 12 March 2021 Written Update begins with bhawani, pakhi and other family members waiting for virat. Mohit think himself i know what written on the letter is fake. Virat return to home, Bhawani asking to virat what written on the letter is correct or not. Virat stands silently, Sonali asking to virat please tell me. Ashwini said to sonali i think letter is fake that’s why virat stands silently. Bhawani said to virat the letter is true, Virat asking to mohit please call me sayi. Sonali said to virat his wife important than us that’s why i calling to his wife sayi.
Then virat said to sonali what i know about pulkit i will informed to everyone in the family and i will call to sayi because she brings pulkit to this house. Sayi comes to hall, Virat said to family member what written on the letter is correct. Sayi shocked and think herself i seen pulkit file but why virat said like this. Before he saying he went to college and verify pulkit file. On the pulkit file spouse displayed sangeetha. Then virat said to family members pulkit already married and his wife name is sangeetha. Sayi said no and bhawani said to virat i know you prove the truth and devi, pulkit marriage couldn’t happen.
Sonali, Ninad, Omkar feels happy, Ninad said to virat you proved the truth. Ashwini said to family members i think virat couldn’t do like this, Sayi said to ashwini yes said right. Pakhi said to sayi virat prove the truth and you still supports pulkit. Sayi asking to virat do you have any proof. Pakhi asking to sayi why you still argue with virat pulkit is right. Sayi said to pakhi why you come between virat and me when we speaking together. Bhawani said to sayi pakhi is one of the family member that’s why she raise the question. At that time sonali said bhawani sayi mom leaves her and her dad tells her argue with other persons everytime.
Sayi feels sad, Ashwini said to sonali her we speaking about devi, pulkit and why you speaking about sayi mom and dad. Ninad said to his wife pulkit is wrong guy but sayi supports pulkit. Virat said to family members pulkit and devi marriage couldn’t happen and shown proof to sayi and said to sayi i will taken the photo from you college and pulkit wife name is Sangeeth Deshpandy. Sayi said to virat it’s fake because i will seen pulkit profile at adminstration office and in the file i will seen pulkit wife name is devi.
Then virat asking to sayi let’s prove the truth. Sayi said ok but tomorrow is holiday. Virat said to sayi why you still supports pulkit because he already married another women so let’s end the topic. After that bhawani said to family members pulkit and devi marriage couldn’t happen. Devi comes to downstairs why my marriage couldn’t happen. Also devi said to bhawani if anyone try to stop my marriage virat send them to jail. Virat said to devi what bhawani mom said to you is correct.