Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 21 August 2021 Written Update: Pakhi’s Firm Decision

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein GHKKPM 21 August 2021 Written Update for Season 1 Episode 277. In today episode shivani, pakhi, sunny, mohit return to pakhi room. Shivani said to pakhi because igo destroy relationships. Also shivani said samarat not agree for marriage but when he seen you likes you and agree for marriage, he his good guy, he think about others. Also shivani said when he knows the truth about you silently leave the home.

Then pakhi said if samarat understand if he think about me i have some past and if he speak with me before marriage i will inform everything. At that time ashwini come with juice and said to pakhi today you are facing struggle so please be cool and please think what to do next. Then pakhi says samarat try to blame me. Ashwini says i will come here to says something along with your life my son virat and daughter-in-law sayi life also depends on you.

The chavans request pakhi to change her choice of divorcing samarat. Meanwhile, samrat questions sayi about her feelings for virat. At that time sayi asking to samarat please stay here because all the family members loves you. Then samarat says i have to do something to children’s and i will given divorce to pakhi because she will gets freedom. After that sam said these family members very luck to have daughter-in-law likes you.