Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 14 August 2021 Written Update: Virat Meets Samarat

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein GHKKPM 14 August 2021 Written Update begins with Sayi informed to virat i am seen samrat and speaking with him. Virat feels happy. At home pakhi said to her mom samrat can not return to home and i am loser. Pakhi mom said to her you have another chance that is broken your relationship with samrat and start new life. Pakhi says yes. At that time mansi comes to pakhi i am waiting for samrat and you start new life. Bhawani says you are favorite daughter-in-law for chavans. At that time pakhi mom asking to her let’s we went from here. Then bhawani asking to please stay here few days and sonali asking the same.

Pakhi says i am stay here past one year and don’t change anything. After that pakhi change her decision and stay few days at chavans home. Other end virat again asking to sayi did you seen samrat. Sayi says yes and he also from Marashtra and he had a children. Virat asking to sayi samrat doesn’t have children. Sayi says he run orphanage. Then virat asking to let’s go and meet samarat. Sayi says not yet because they invited me for birthday party, At that time we meet him. Other end samarat all set for birthday party.

Sayi comes to orphanage along with virat, mohit, sunny. But virat, sunny, mohit wait outside and sayi meet samarat and children. After that sayi said to samarat along with me my friends also come here. Samarat please call them. Sayi says please come inside. At that time mohit sunny come inside and seen samrat and touched him. But samarat says i don’t know who are you. Both sunny, sayi, mohit shocked to listen. Virat listen samarat words and enter the room and says you don’t virat. After that virat try to touch samarat but stops virat and asking him who are you.