Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 13 April 2021 Written Update: Sayi Stays Quiet

GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 13 April 2021 Written Update begins with sayi shouts open the door. Shivani asking to virat it’s to late she outside the home and open the door but virat can’t move. Again sayi shouts open the door and ring the calling bell. Ashwini asking to virat if you taken any decision please taken the morning, Usha also asking to virat open the door. Virat says no one open the door and sayi return to her village. Usha says iam come with sayi and went with sayi. Bhawani says ok go and open the door and went with sayi outside. At that time usha running towards the door and open the door. Sayi asking to usha what happen and every one sleep.

Virat says no and asking to sayi do not entered the house. Sayi asking to virat please listen my words but virat says i can’t listen your words. Bhawani asking to sayi where is your pulkit. Sayi said to bhawani i will come inside and answer your question. Virat says i can’t listen your answers and you don’t have a place in this house. Ninad said to sayi how dare you return to this house after performing the pulkit and devi marriage. Ashwini asking to sayi why you performing the pulkit and devi marriage without informing to us. Sayi says entire world stand with me for this marriage.

Virat says i will trust you and i will given chances to you but you finally cheat me and our family so you must leave the house. Sayi says pulkit is not a cheater and he created a duplicate document. Virat says i know who is cheater and you stands with pulkit and try to cheat us. Then sayi decided to says the truth but suddenly remembered pulkit words and stops saying the truth. Then virat says from today on words doesn’t have a place for sayi in chavan house and also said to sayi along with you taken usha also. Ashwini trying to says something to virat.

Sayi asking to virat you asking me to leave the house. Virat says, Usha starts crying and asking to virat please don’t say like this. Sayi asking to usha don’t pleased virat. Pakhi comes to virat and said to sayi and usha played drama and says if she became a doctor she needs money. Then sayi says don’t come with us because me and virat wife and husband. Also sayi asking to pakhi let’s tell me what iam thinking now. Pakhi says how i know what are you thinking. Then sayi says how you i am creating drama here and also said who try to cheat they imagine others also did same. Bhawani, Ashwini shocked to listen sayi words.

Virat says how dare you speaking with pakhi, Bhawani asking to virat asking to her leave the house and close the door. Ninad says i feel happy to seen virat because he is finally punished his daughter. Also ninad said to bhawani iam still given a chance to sayi but one condition i.e she kneel down asking to sorry, Then i will think about sayi. Sayi says no because what iam done is correct so why iam asking sorry.