Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 10 June 2021 Written Update: Bhavani’s Concern for pakhi
GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 10 June 2021 Written Update for Episode 215. Pakhi said to bhawani when iam said thanks to devi she said to me i don’t like you because you every time went between sayi and virat. At that time bhawani recalls what devi said to pakhi when she said thanks. Then sayi said to pakhi, bhawani i know devi very well and she can’t said like this, bhawani smiles. After that bhawani says once listen pakhi words because of you my daughter behave like this. Ashwini feels bad once bhawani try to blame sayi.
Then sayi says i don’t say to devi about you and pakhi. Also sayi says devi is mentally unstable but she know everyone behaviors. Also sayi says devi mind likes baby’s mind and she says truth and when comes to this home devi says sayi please focus on pakhi because pakhi every time focus on virat but iam not concentrate on devi words. Then virat asking to sayi when iam saying lie to you. Sayi said to virat you don’t says lie to me but iam seen you true. Virat asking to sayi what you seen, Sayi says you try to hide truth from family members and me.
Also sayi said to virat i know you can’t accept the truth and you can’t say truth. Later sayi holds her bad and went to college. Once sayi went to college pakhi asking to family members no one stops sayi when she try to blame me. Also pakhi says iam treated chavan house is my family house and virat is my best friend but virat can’t says nothing. After that virat gets phone call from his higher authority and asking to virat please take care more days. But virat says once i will get reports from hospital iam rejoin my duty. Then higher officer said to virat your wife sayi taking care of you that’s why you recover to early.
Sayi went to college and meets pulkit. Pulkit said to sayi if you can’t eat timely and you can’t focus on your studies. Also pulkit asking to sayi please come to my home because at home devi, harini is their and may be your mood is changed because of their. At chavan home bhawani, pakhi comes to virat room. Bhawani says because of your wife pakhi can’t eat anything from morning. Virat asking at that time sayi return to college or not. Pakhi said to bhawani i can move to my roon, Bhawani says sayi not return to college.