Ghum Hai Kisi Key Pyaar Mein 29 March 2021 Written Update: Pulkit return to home

GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Key Pyaar Mein 29 March 2021 Episode 152 Sayi said thanks to virat and try climb tree, Ashwini pray to god to save sayi from problems. Ninad, Omkar return from Daadu and decided to tell me to bhawani daadu not asking 1 crore and not send a letter. Ninad phone to bhawani, informed to her daadu not demands us money and not sent a letter. Bhawani said my guess is correct, Sayi seen pulkit videos and comes to my not asking sorry, she comes to my room played a new drama and followd you. Omkar says we can’t seen sayi in our way when travel to daadu. Bhawani says we not seen when she seen pulkit videos. After that omkar asking to bhawani what we do now.

Sayi record a video when ninad, omkar return to home. After that sayi reached where pulkit is but she can’t seen pulkit at cage and phone to bhawani. Bhawani lift the phone and asking to sayi where are you going along with other person. After that sayi asking to where is pulkit. Bhawani says i don’t what you talking. Also bhawani says chawan family member spend outside in the night & it’s disrespect, if virat know about you send out side from the home

Sayi said don’t think about me, think about you once virat comes to home and cut the phone. Bhawani says you don’t about me sayi. After that madhuri phone to sayi and asking about pulkit. Sayi said i will reach where pulkit is but i can’t find no one here. At that time some one ring calling bell of pulkit home and madhuri open the door and seen pulkit. After that sayi asking to madhuri what happen. Madhuri says pulkit return to home, Sayi asking to i will speak with pulkit, Madhuri given phone to him, Sayi asking to pulkit how are you. Pulkit says iam fine.

Ninad, Omkar return to home, Bhawani says i will leave pulkit from daadu. Ninad and Omkar asking why you did this. Bhawani says because i think pulkit now don’t think about devi. Ninad, Omkar asking to bhawani do you think sayi at forest. Bhawani says sayi call to me and asking about pulkit, If she gets truth we went to jail. Sayi meet pulkit and said to him i will informed to virat what happen to you. Pulkit says message come from my phone, Bhawani said to ninad, omkar how can sayi prove because messages send by daadu but these message come from pulkit.

Also bhawani asking to ninad, omkar pulkit doesn’t have proofs. Pulkit said to sayi we don’t have proofs so how we can prove. Also pulkit says if we informed to virat he stay away from chawan family and if virat know about this incident he can’t respect ninad, omkar, bhawani at any cost. Bhawani said to ninad, omkar pulkit informed to sayi he at home and she went to pulkit home to meet him. Pulkit asking to sayi please promise don’t informed to virat. Then sayi says virat promise to me to done your marriage with devi. Again pulkit asking to sayi please promise me. Sayi promise to pulkit. Day changed ashwini wait for sayi and suddenly listen calling bell and open the door. Virat stand outside the door. Ashwini shocked.