NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar released by MHRD India

NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar for primary school students released by the Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India. Due to COVID-19 global pandemic teachers and students have to remain at homes to prevent its spread in the community.

Hrushikesh Senapaty Director NCERT says In this situation, the National Council Of Educational Research And Training developed a four weeks alternative academic calendar for all stages of school education. In this calendar, the themes/ topics have been selected from the syllabus and are linked with learning outcomes.

This calendar includes not generic guidelines and subject-specific activities, but also detailed material on the use of different technological and social media tools as well as strategies for reducing stress in the present time.

NCERT Alternative Academic Calendar for Class 1st to 5th published

NCERT announced general guidelines for implementing for four weeks weekly plan for the learning of students at the primary stage.

Class-1 Mathematics 

Learning Outcomes
  • Classifies objects into groups based on a few physical attributes such as shape, size and other observable properties including rolling and sliding
  • Recites number names and counts objects up to 20, concretely, pictorially and symbolically
  • Describes the physical features of various solids/shapes in her own language. For example- a ball rolls, a box slides etc.
  • Works with numbers 1 to 20.
  • Counts objects using numbers 1 to 9
  • Compares numbers up to 20. For the example tells whether the number of girls or number of boys is more in the class

Week Wise Suggestive Activities 

  • The student can be asked to observe different contexts and situations from the immediate environment, such as things that are inside/outside their room/ kitchen/ house, etc.
  • The student may be encouraged to use spatial vocabulary/ concepts like top-bottom, on under, inside-outside, above-below, near-far, before-after, thin- thick, big-small, etc
  • The student can be asked to identify and compare things around them for example the things which are near-far, tall-short, thick-thin, etc.
  • The student can identify the differences and similarities between objects through different senses such as touching, hearing, and seeing and not limited to one sense.
  • The student can also be given worksheets emphasising such activities. These worksheets should give students multiple ways of expressing themselves and engaging with the objects around them.


NCERT Textbook/ State developed Textbook in Mathematics for Class -I

Complete Four Weeks Academic Calendar for primary classes 

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