JSW Steel Q1 Results 2022 Live Updates: Company hold conference call today evening
JSW Steel Q1 Results 2022 will released today and company proposes to hold a conference call with analysts on Friday, July 23, 2021 at 5.30 PM IST (Indian Standard Time). The presentation for aforesaid will be available on company’s official online website that is www.jsw.in. Here below provided details of conference call with Management of JSW.
Company Management who participated discussion on Q1FY22 results & future outlook i.e MR. Seshagiri Rao M.V.S (JT. Managing Director & Group CFO), Dr. Vinod Nowal (Dy. Managing Director), Mr. Jayant Acharya (Director, Commercial & Marketing), Mr. Ashwin Bajaj (Group Head, Investor Relations). For more details about JSW Steel Q1 Results 2021-2022 only follow official site.
Here it is the FY2020-2021 Highlights i.e Revenue From Operators 79,839 crore (9% y-o-y), EBITDA 20,141 crore (70% y-o-y), PAT 7,873 crore (101% y-o-y). Also crude steel production 15.08 MnT, 84% avg.capacity utilization, EBITDA per tonne of sales Rs. 13,377, 52% sales from value added special products.
Jsw steel#JSWSTEEL
Bumper q1 from JSW steel
Big debt reduction
Rev at 29100cr vs 11914cr
EBITDA at 10274cr
PBT at 8296cr vs -590cr
Q4 PBT at 6343crPAT at 5900cr vs -554cr
EPS of 24rs for q1 vs -4rs
32rs EPS for fy21Net d/e at 1.04x
D/Ebitda at 1.89x pic.twitter.com/ALCu2k89Fp— Shreenidhi P (@nid_rockz) July 23, 2021