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IGNOU Hall Tickets June 2020 released. Students visit website

IGNOU Hall Tickets June 2020 now available. The Indhira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has released the Term End Examination June 2020 hall tickets. The examinations was held from this month 17th to next month 16th.

Authority says IGNOU following the COVID-19 norms while conducting the TEE June 2020. This year because of COVID-19 Pandemic IGNOU organized the term end exams Mid September to Mid October 2020. So students appeared for examinations follow the social distancing, bring your own mask and sanitizers.

Also who enrolled for examinations required to visit the official website, print your admit card with the help of your login credentials. With out hall ticket can not allow for examination.

How To Download IGNOU Hall Tickets June 2020

These are the steps to print your TEE June 2020 Hall Tickets

  1. Students type IGNOU web address i.e at google search box
  2. Once you entered the portal displayed hall ticket link like this ” Hall Tickets for June 2020 Term End Examination
  3. You can choose the address Enter your enrollment number, Select the program from the list
  4. Submit the details, Print admit card

Check examination dates, reporting time & exam center venue details.

Exam Instructions 

  • The Examination Centers will implement the Social Distancing and other measures as per Government of India guidelines in current scenario of Covid- 19 to ensure health and safety of the students.
  • Students are also required to adhere to the guidelines and maintain the Social Distancing and hygiene to ensure safety and health of their own and the fellow students.
  • Any student who is not able to appear in the Term-End Examination for Covid-19 related reasons or any other reason will be permitted to appear in the December 2020 Term-End Examination of the University. The Examination Fee submitted by the student towards the June 2020 TEE will be adjusted for the December 2020 TEE. That is, the student will not be required to pay the Examination Fee afresh for the courses, which she/he has already registered for June 2020 TEE

For more instructions, Exam dates visit ignou.acin