Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein 11 January 2021 Written Update for today episode: GHKKPM 11 Jan 2021 Episode begins with sai speaking with her friend, Virat listen sai conversation and asking to her who speaks with you. Sai said wait for some time and continually speak with amay. At that time sai amay asking to sai come with me we are started new life, sai said we will met tomorrow and end the conversation. Later virat asking to sai who speak with you, Sai said amay. Virat angry on sai, She said what i am done now it’s correct.
After that virat said what you done with family it’s correct but what you done with amay it’s not correct. Sai asking to virat what amay did with bhuwaji is it correct. Virat said i know what he did but i will leave it. At that time bhuwa said to virat what sai done is her mistake. Later both virat and sai exchange words, Bhuwa asking to them please stop it now. Sai said shivani with me everytime when i am in problem so i stood with her, Virat leaves the room.
When he leaves the room said to sai we can’t eat dinner together so you must eat alone it’s getting late. Sai waiting for amay to know Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Mein Episode 85 Written Story follow zeal study web portal.