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Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein (GHKKPM) 9 February 2021 Written Update Episode 110

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein (GHKKPM) 9 February 2021 written update for Season 1 Episode 110. Sayi phone to virat and informed to him i will pack your luggage i.e jacket and other things and asking to virat if anything need you please informed to me i will pack that also. Virat asking to sayi please bring one Identification Proof you other wise at airport no one allows you with out ID Proof.

Other end pathralekha running towards virat room. At office virat collogue said to virat please tell me pakhi sayi also come with you other wise you will face problems with them. Then virat informed to his collogue sometimes for cause must face the problems. At that time pakhi reached the virat room when when sayi packs luggage. For complete Ghum Hai Kisi Ki Pyaar Mein Episode 110 follow

In previous episode virat and sayi engage in friendly banter. While sayi tells pulkit about virat, The latter rebukes her humiliating pakhi. To know GHKKPM 9 Feb 2021 Written Episode follow zeal study web portal. Today 6.00 AM on Disney Plus Hotstar release today episode for VIP subscribers.

Today Episode Story

Pakhi asking to virat please asking to your must understand why we are went to ladakh. Virat says ok i will said to her, Sayi says i don’t feel bad when you both are went to ladakh. Pakhi asking to sayi please do not playing drama with me. Sayi said to pakhi when iam went to my room why you asking me to stop then pakhi leave the room. Once pakhi leave the room virat asking to sayi let’s pack bags. Sayi said to virat why iam packing your bags. Virat says your my wife that’s why pack our bags. Sayi said i don’t come with you.

Day change sayi met diwyani and asking to her why you sit silently. Dewyani asking to sayi at any cost i will met my husband. Sayi asking to her please tell me your husband name but dewayani says i don’t informed my husband name. Sayi asking to dewyani if you not informed to your husband name how can we finds him. After that sayi went to kitchen, Ashwini asking to sayi are you ready. Sayi says yes i am ready for college. Then ashwini asking to sayi i am not asking about college, i am asking about ladakh. Sayi says yes iam went to ladakh with virat.

Then karishma brings tea for bhawani when mithun went for interview to cover him but bhawani recognized mithun went to interview and asking him please stop. Mithun stops walking and bhawani asking to mithun did you select for interview, Mithun says no. At college pulkit think about sayi, virat, sundar nagar and he think she is relative of diwyani. Pulkit asking to sayi tell me about your family. At that time sayi said to him dewyani she is very good and she said to me her husband become a doctor but do not say her husband name. At that time pulkit asking to sayi what is her name. Sayi says dewyani and pulkit shocked

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