Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein (GHKKPM) 5 February 2021 written update for Season 1 Episode 107. Here it is the today episode promo story i.e virat said to sayi i will went from the college. At that time aniket asking to virat sir please wait one minute and given flowers and asking to him please given to sayi because it’s valentine day. Then virat holds flowers and come closer to sayi, Sayi feels shy. Other end at home ashwini, pakhi preparing food at kitchen.
Suddenly ashwini fingers burns when hold the pan. At that time pakhi holds ashwini hands and helps to her. When pakhi holds ashwini hands pakhi recognized a video which is playing on ashwini phone that is virat given flowers to sayi. Once seen that video pakhi feels sad. To know today Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 5 February 2021 Written Episode story follow zeal study web portal. Here below provided the upcoming episode story.
In previous episode virat said to family members i will apply for leave. If leave is ok i will went with pakhi. Then ashwini asking to pakhi book 3 tickets. Bhawani asking to ashwini who is third one. Ashwini says sayi went with pakhi, virat. But sayi deny ashwini decision and finally went out for college. Virat asking to sayi i will drops at college
Today Written Update
omkar holds saloni hands, saloni fears. After that omkar said it’s valentida day so will present gift for you and hugs saloni. Ashwini comes to downstairs and seen them and sounds. Then omkar, saloni realised ashwini seen them. After that karishma said to family members today mohit went to interview. Then ashwini says ok this sweet for you, Bhawani and Ninad said he still not attend the interview but all the members asking to him eat the sweet.
Omkar asking to bhawani and his brother please leave my son and daughter-in-law.After that saloni asking to mohit let’s eat the sweet because ashwini prepare the sweet with her love. Then pakhi said to mohit you will get good job, Mohit says bhabi at any cost i will get a good job in next 7 days and leave the house for interview. Sayi went to her college room. In the middle aniket asking to sayi participate the program. But sayi says i couldn’t particpate. At that time virat entered the college, Aniket said to sayi again virat entered the college. Sayi went to principal room when he met with principal.
Principal asking to sayi why you come to my room. Sayi says i will speak with virat. Aniket and other students how can sayi speaks with IPS Virat. Then principal asking to sayi do you know virat. Sayi says yes, principal asking to how and finally sayi accepts he his my husband. Later sayi asking to virat why you come to college. Principal said to sayi i will ask him virat to come my college because someone creat nonsense with girl. After that virat set the matter and aniket given flowers to virat and asking him to given flowers to sayi. Then virat given flowers to sayi
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