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Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein (GHKKPM) 10 February 2021: Pakhi, Sayi Gets Angry Why?

GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 10 February 2021 Written Update for Season 1 Episode 111. Today’s promo begins with bhawani asking to virat patralekha has to go out for nagpur so go with her. Later pakhi wear the bangles and think her self i have yearned to spend time with my friend, so many complaints. I want to tell you everything virat.

After that pakhi, virat ready to went nagapur, Bhawani says both of you take care on the journey. Then virat said to her aunty bhawani not both of us the three of us when sayi come outside. Then pakhi asking to virat i did not know that you will take sai along with me and make it your honeynoon trip virat. Once listen pakhi words sayi gets angry and leaves virat. At the same time patralekha also leaves virat.

In previous episode karishma try to cover mohit when he went for interview. But bhawani recognized mohit went for interview and asking to him why your wife try to hide you when you going to interview but mohit can not said anything. Other end sayi informed to ashwini went to college but ashwini asking to her must went to ladakh also. Sayi says yes and comes to college and met pulkit at college. At that time pulkit asking to sayi who love you most. At that time sayi said divyani name, Pulkit shocked.

Other end virat asking to his friend book tickets, said to him patralekha, sayi and his name. Then virat friend asking to him both sayi, pakhi come together with you to ladakh, virat says yes. Later pakhi phone to virat said thanks to him, Virat said i will book tickets for you. At the same time sayi phone to virat and virat holds pakhi phone but pakhi listen virat conversation with sayi and asking to him sayi called you but virat says yes

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