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Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 14 September 2021 Written Update: Virat makes Sayi See Sense

Last updated on 25/10/2021

Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein GHKKPM 14 September 2021 Written Update for Season 1 Episode 297. Today episode begins with samrat think about sayi words. At that time pakhi comes to samrat and asking about mansi health. Samrat asking to virat wear your kurta. Pakhi says not mine it’s our kurta. Also samrat asking to paki how viratl feel to seen me and you. Pakhi thinks herself why samrat asking this type of question to me.Suddenly virat said i feel happy to seen you and pakhi and i will come here to say thank you because i like this kurta.

Also virat said to samrat you know what i am like. Samrat said kurta not buy for you and pakhi pick this kurta for you and said to virat please don’t miss understood because i will speak about dress because pakhi know about dresses, Pakhi said i have some work at kitchen and i will come here soon. Virat said to samrat i would said to you what i feel about pakhi. Samrat said i know you feel pakhi is your friend but i don’t know what pakhi think about you.

As virat is about to got to samrat’s room, Sayi reminds him about pakhi’s deeds and it’s repercussions. Later virat tells sayi why the chavans like pakhi more than her. To know upcoming episodes of GHKKPM follow zeal study web portal.