GHKKPM Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyaar Mein 8 March 2021 Episode promo begins with Pakhi said to virat just i listen bhawani said to ninad uncle pulkit already married someone. Then pulkit said to pakhi if pulkit already married why he comes to our house and why he proposed to marry devyani. Then pakhi asking to him what if pulkit turns out to be already married?.
Virat said to her then this marriage won’t happen. After that pakhi taken the letter which fell on the floor, recognized it’s come for bhawani. Later pakhi read the letter i.e my name is sangeeta deshpandey and i am dr.pulkit deshpande’s wife. Once pakhi start reading letter virat entered the home.
But pakhi couldn’t stop reading & once stops reading to know about pulkit all the family members (Bhawani, Ninad, Sonali) Shocked. To know GHKKPM 8 March 2021 Written Update follow zeal study web portal. Today episode released on Disney Plus Hotstar before the tv.
GHKKPM 8 March 2021 Written Update
Today episode begins with virat seen sayi, Sayi asking to virat what happen and why you seen my side. Virat said no, Sayi smiles and asking to him about devi marriage preparations. Virat says i will decided to done her marriage very simple. Then sayi shown a video which is send by pulkit and said to him we are devi side so we also done something special for her.
Also sayi asking to virat i want money for shopping but virat couldn’t given money. Then sayi says if couldn’t given money i will given my sarees to devi. Virat smile and said sayi you heart made with gold. After that sayi says bhawani, ninad destroy the gifts which is send by pulkit. Later virat says i think bhawani, ninad not yet forget about past that’s why they angre on pulkit.
Also sayi said to virat i am decided to went gadchiroli. Then virat you don’t went to gadchiroli and i will given money to you. Sayi asking to him when iam went to gadchiroli why you given money. At that virat think about sayi, Sayi asking to him why you think so much of time to given the answer. After that virat try to said something but pakhi comes to their room and asking to sayi may i come in.
Sayi said you don’t ask like this please come in. Pakhi once entered the room said to virat i will speak with you alone. Then virat said to pakhi please tell me here, Sayi try to leave the room and virat asking to sayi please do not leave the room. Sayi said pakhi says it’s personnel that’s why i will leave the room. Pakhi said it’s important so i will speak with you alone.
Later virat asking to pakhi what is the matter, Pakhi said to virat you couldn’t start preparations for devi, pulkit marriage because bhawani and ninad not interested for this marriage and also devi in mentally unstable. Virat says sayi know about devi, pulkit and she know everything about pulkit and his family and once she know everything she asking to him come to our home.
Other end usha seen sayi at outside and asking to sayi what happen why you sit here. Sayi says pakhi come to our room and said to virat i can speak some important matter. Usha said ok, At virat room pakhi said devi is mentally unstable so it’s not fair to do this marriage