Chithi 2 18.11.2020 Written Update For Episode 162. SUN TV airs respective shown on today 18th November 2020 night 9.30 PM. Also same show available on Sun NXT, Mx Player as per the schedule. Here it is the preview of Chithi 2 Today Episode. Check the story and follow for complete written update.
In previous episode twists i.e Kavin informed to ravi about his love matter (kavin loves venba) & this mattern doesn’t know my mom. Also, another twist when deeba’s daughter ammulu fallen on the floor venba running towards her . At that venba thali comes out & lose her bracelet but she can’t realized at that time.
Late yazhini comes to venba bent down, taken bracelet which is fallen on the floor & gives to venba. Another twist is Sevandhi asking to venba please go to london with kavin & but venba can’t accepts sevandhi words. Today episode promo story provided shortly follow zeal study
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