Anupama 19 April 2021 Written Update For Season 1 Episode 240 Spoiler begins with anupama said sorry to her son samar. Samar starts crying and asking to his mom don’t said sorry to me and says i got so lost in my joys. After that pakhi joins with her mom along with nandini. Then samar says that i couldn’t see the tears hidden behind your smile.
Vanraj, Anupama their rooms think about each other and anu says 48 hours, Shah also says only 48 hours. In previous episode Vanraj and anupama return to home while kavya spills about their divorce date, shocking the family. Over come with emotions, anupama pours her heart out to samar
anupama grows emotional with samar, Vanraj confronts kavya for her outrageous act while kinjal tries to appeasea a dejected pakhi. To know what happen in Season 1 Episode 240 follow zeal study web portal. Here below provided the anupama 19 april 2021 highlights for you people.
Anupama comes to hasmukh i have only 2 days left, Hasmukh asking to his daughter-in-law you can informed to samar, anu says no and asking to her uncle let’s cut the cake but hasmukuh says no. After that samar return to home and seen pakhi. Pakhi crying and hugs said to samar mom and dad ready to taken the divorce. Samar says if mom decided for divorce she informed to me
After that pakhi informed to samar with in 2 days mom and dad taken their divorce. At that time toshu phone to pakhi and asking to what you want for rakhi gift. Pakhi asking to toshu you must stop mom and dad divorce because just 2 days left. Toshu says if mom and dad decided for divorce dad informed to me but 2 days is to close. Also toshu said mom and dad taken divorce but they stay with us and also toshu asking to samar and pakhi let’s support their choice.
Then samar and pakhi decided to supports their parents choice. After that samar meets nandini and informed to her with 2 days my parents taken divorce. Then nandini says when my parents taken divorce i am also feel the same. After that samar asking to nandini if my mom ready to taken the divorce she informed to me but she don’t informed to me.
Nandini says she feels don’t spoil your happy movements and asking to samar let’s feel the moment and support your parents. Then samar said thanks to nandini and hugs and says good night. When samar return to home anu recognized samar presence and samar asking to his mom iam best friend or not. Anu says yes your my best friend. Then samar asking to his mom why you hide your divorce matter. Anu says sorry.