090/2/4 Answer Key: CBSE Class 12th Informatics Practices Term 1 happens today. Students attend the examination stay tune with official website portal to know the key paper release date, term 1 examination results release date updates. CBSE conducted respective examination today 21st December 2021 from 11.30 AM to 1:00 PM across India.
CBSE Class 12th IP Term 1 Exam Question no.1 is Which of the following statement is wrong?. a). Can’t change the index of the series, b). We can easily convert the list, tuple, and dictionary into a series, c). A Series represents a single column in memory, d). We can create empty series. Question 2 is What type of error is returned by the following statement import pandas as pa Pa. Series (1, 2, 3, 4), Index = (‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’).
Question 3 is Which is in correct statement for the python package numpy. Option a). it is a general-purpose array-processing package, b). Numpy arrays are faster and more compact, c). It is multi-dimensional arrays d). It is proprietary software. Here provided answers is not final answers. To know exact answers visit official site.